Wednesday, 22 February 2012

How theories link with our narrative idea

We have recently been learning about different theories, in our non-practical lessons, and how they can link in with our music video narratives, for example:

Genre theory across media forms
When learning genre theory we read about Negus and he found that attempts to break with conventions often meets with rejection from the audience. We kept that in mind when creating our video and we've followed the conventions of music videos and the rock genre pretty closely. For example we have band shots in our video which were done in a small room, this is normally done in rock music videos.

Narrative theory
Our Narrative could link to Barthes 'Hermeneutic Code' because in our video we never fully explain the stalkers background of how she became so obsessed with the band, and then at the end we have the flame falling to the floor which doesn't really close the story of the stalker so she become a mystery to the audience and it could lead them to try and guess what happened next.

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