Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Ancillary task drafts

I have done a draft magazine tour poster and a draft album poster for one of the ancillary tasks.
We will be taking the ancillary task photos when we film the band shots and we will also try and do some location shots as well. Because we have done draft work for our posters and for the digi pack we know what type of shots to get and how to place the band to when it comes to putting the writing on we can do it easily.

Monday, 5 December 2011


To get some extra evaluation from people outside of our group and school peers, we decided to put up our video on YouTube to get some advice about our video from people all over the web!

Friday, 2 December 2011

Music video draft

We managed to get the instruments need to do some band shots so we booked out the drama studio at our school and tried some out. We then put the videos onto PremierPro and synced them up with the music.
We thought this would be a good idea to do because it showed us what types of locations will and will not fit in with the mise en scene of our music video genre. It also allowed us to see what the selection of shots we collected looked like when put to the music so when we film our real band shots we knew which ones would work and which ones wouldn't.

We are now going to film our band shots in our schools gym which goes pitch black when all the lights are turned off, we will then use the photography lights to light up the band and in theory the rest of the room will still be pitch black. We got this idea from looking on YouTube at other A2 music video's and thought it was a good idea to try.